

Have you heard of this sexy thing called science?? 😂

My observation is that people — even well-meaning intelligent people — have a hard time discerning between science and pseudoscience.⁠

Maybe people want to believe in magic rather than truth
Or maybe they weren’t raised by or are around critical thinkers⁠
Or maybe they felt traumatized by the medical system and don’t trust western doctors ⁠and would rather lean into “alternatives”⁠
Or they are too much in their pain and need a solution…⁠

Or any/all of the above.
There’s a lot of reasons people fall into this trap.

But my understanding is that pseudoscience (false science) can be harmful… because it isn’t based on any rigorous testing and prevents people from getting actual treatments that have been been scientifically proven via the scientific method.⁠

And I get it… there is sooooo much out there that presents as “scientific” but actually when you look closer there’s little to no testing involved. ⁠That’s what makes it tricky. ⁠

🧠 But this is where critical thinking is helpful — skepticism is sooo important. ⁠

Don’t just take anyone at their word. ⁠Even someone who says they’re a “medical doctor” or “expert”. ⁠

Sure there are times you need to lean back and trust, but definitely not always. ⁠

Dig deep. Ask questions like yer a 6 year old child haha⁠

Do your research and get curious. ⁠

Truth is freedom IMO. ⁠
And we reeeeeally need more critical thinkers in the world.

🧠 You can google “science vs psuedoscience” (and of course question wtf you find because it IS the internet hahahaha⁠) ⁠

I definitely have more to learn around this topic and I’m always open to doing better!

For all my critical-thinking science based sexy bishes, this ones for you 😉