Doing mindset work for yeeeears has helped me to process fear-based thoughts on-the-fly.
I’ve affirmed so many times while journaling that I can reframe a feary thought as soon as I have it. I take a deep breath and slay that fiery dragon thought.
I know myself, I know what I stand for and I also know that I’m willing to change and do better. To me, this is strong self leadership and something I’m always working on. I’m definitely not perfect nor could I be.
The first time I heard the words “self leadership” I was like ooooo tell me more and how do I get more of it cuz that sounds sexy hahaha
I was going through a hard time and getting panic attacks. It truly sucked.
I learned about the power of mindset work — I was totally skeptical at first and it felt so freaking weird to journal out my weird freaky thoughts. But now its just second nature to write out all my daily fears and reframe them.
(It’s a brave act to even admit you have fears. Most people want to pretend they don’t have any.)
In times of hardship I’m soooo glad I did my mindset work over the years.
It is THE most valuable thing I could give myself.