

Squeeeee! πŸ₯🐀


While I was working on this print I was getting all tight and making waaaay too many versions β€” and I realized that I needed to DECIDE to let these lil imperfect chicks lead.


So I looked at the mess β€” the dabs of paint, the cute chicken wonder β€” and let it go right where I was at. It was already amazing.


Let the mess be OK.

You can always try again, make a new version.

But release, release, release.


Ahhh it feels so good to let go and not be perfect.

To decide to be FINISHED.


It truly is what I’m good at but it’s a skill I’ve learned over time β€” making 100’s of designs.


It’s what I love to model β€” put it out there imperfectly and see what happens.


Set the tone that purity and perfection is actually quite boring.


Let the chicken scratch happen! πŸ₯🐀