These words are not about covering crap with flowers. Nope. They’re about choosing to see life a certain way.
An empowered way.
No matter where you are in life you have this power.
Call it delightful brainwashing but some times you have to be “delusional” to see the flowers before the crap.
The crap you can handle.
The crap is there to make you better.
This quote is inspired by my friend Julia Wells who is a beautiful inspiration to me and so many other women. She chooses to do life differently and inspire women to do the same. She’s one of the few I would trust to delightfully brainwash me. Haha.
Go check out her podcast “Wait WTF” — it’s all about doing life and biz with pleasure and ease. Ep #60 is where she talks about this specific mindset shift.
Your brain is like a garden that needs constant tending to. Get the weeds out!