

Often when life gets hard we want to give up. ⁠

But most of the time it’s because we forget that we have POWER to make a decision at any given time to change our experience.⁠

And so here’s a story. ⁠

Once I was having a panic attack — which, is not at ALL common for me. ⁠

A frightening experience that I want to avoid as much as possible. Ha. You know what I’m talking about if you’ve had one!

And then some deep wisdom popped up inside. It said “HEY! YOU HAVE POWER, WOMAN! DECIDE WHAT TO DO HERE!”⁠

So I stepped into my leader self. I said “What would BARBARIAN do?”⁠

And I thought, “She would say what she wanted in very clear terms, she’d be open to other’s thoughts. She would create a safe space for dialogue.⁠ She would hold healthy boundaries.”⁠

And so that’s what I did. Over and over again, asking myself every single day. “What can I do right now that feeeeeels empowering?” ⁠

Some times it means stating what I need.⁠
Some times it means taking a walk on the beach.⁠
Some times it means eating a cookie.⁠
Some times it means saying NO to the thing that doesn’t serve me.⁠
Some times it means saying YES to doing the hard thing that will help in the long run.⁠

And it turns out that I keep getting more of what I want. And I feel SO freaking empowered. ⁠

Any time I feel things are heavy and hard I ask myself what can I do to feel empowered and I do it. It helps soooo much. ⁠

The end.⁠ ✨

PLEASE remember that you have a voice and choice. Use it to the extent that you can. ⁠

You always have power.  No matter what your standing is in the world. To choose your attitude and to take action. Never forget it. And if you need a daily reminder (I do!) here’s one.⁠

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