

I had an emotional epiphany when I painted this one.

Lately I’ve noticed when I paint some things, things that have a certain deeper meaning to me, my father pops into my mind as though he is there, looking over my shoulder like he used to do. (I hated that, btw, but now I’ve outgrown it.)

While I painted I was thinking about why I’ve felt his presence so much… and I think it is because of a promise I made him. I have not told anyone this…

On the day of my father’s funeral 20+ years ago I walked up to his coffin on my own, feeling helpless and also feeling a sudden urge to do something by making a promise.

That I would try to be the best person I could and live my dreams. That I would be an example. That I would try to help others around me figure out their dreams and realize them. It is something I have been fighting for since then.

This past year has been a real culmination of those dreams for both me and Mike. I am making more art I am proud of, experimenting, and making money doing something I love. Mike is having a great time surfing, being a part of the tech world here and living the Cali life. (As am I! I love California.) So I think that is why I’m sensing my dad more… he’s like YEAH GO FOR IT.

I feel like seeing skulls makes me tap into a deeper primal need to feel death in order to truly live.